Sunday, August 08, 2010


Potsdam, Germany
08:00 pm
Warm, sun is leaving

I have decided to let the feelings settle.You asked for more and here it is.

A couple of weeks ago I visited my great aunt in Teschendorf, which is a small village close to Berlin. I used to spend summers here with my great grand ma. A lot has changed, but some things stay the same. Like the old wooded gate to the barn.

I used to play in it, with the bunnies, steal fruits from the fruit garden behind it and climb the trees. Playing hide and seek with my great cousins.
Being there again, spending time with my great aunts and cousins was great. It was the 70th birthday of one of my great aunts and some family was there. The food was good, I played with the children, talked and laughed a lot. The part of my dad's family that was there is my favorite. Open, lovely people, that appreciate each other.
One of my cousins has a trampoline, which is a lot of fun and hard sport. Enjoy.

Much love,Andrea

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Friend or Foe

Potsdam, Germany
Warm with a touch of cold

I know. It's been long.
In the last couple of month I felt like I distanced myself from my friends here, specially those in Berlin.

Like I had somewhat changed. Maybe became too arrogant or too self absorbed.
Most I haven't seen since February. Though some I have seen regularly.
With most I haven't even talked on the phone, unless one needed something from me.

Tonight I have realized, yes, I have changed, and no I haven't.

Changed in so far that I stopped tolerating some behavior, I don't run and try to catch people which don't really seem interested in keeping my friendship. Yes, in these aspects I am colder.

I am still the same with staying close to those I love, that I am able to appreciate and be appreciated in return.

You are probably wondering why I am posting this, today, after nearly not blogging for a year, because I was severely disappointed by a person I considered a close friend. He acted like an idiot and not only hurt the other persons feelings, but mine (and some other people's), too.

I won't tolerate that. I won't accept it.
Much love nevertheless, Andrea