Friday, June 13, 2014

Being a Mom

Berlin, Germany

Hi everyone,

it's strange being a mom. There are certain things I always expected to feel when becoming a mom and others are totally unexpected. 

For example, I though I would worry a lot more. I do worry. Sometimes at I put my hand on his chest or my ear to his mouth to hear or feel him breathing. Though not as often as I thought I would. 

I love seeing him smile at me in the morning when he wakes up. I love the way he coos  at his toys. I love the way he smiles at me when I swaddle him for his nap, when he cuddles close to me, closes his eyes and falls asleep. 

I miss sleeping more than 4h in one go. I miss going out at night sometimes. I miss just taking my scooter places. 

I love going on long walks with Ben. I love family time with my son and husband. I love seeing my husband and son together. 

I am looking forward to seeing him grow, discover his world, start babbling. I am also looking forward to going back to work, letting grandma babysit, having some quality time with my husband. 

When you are a mom (or a dad) you learn a lot of new things:

- baby spit stinks when it dries
- pooping right after drinking without burping leads to a big spit up
- if you are not fast enough, babies pee when you take the diaper off
- sleep is not overrated, but you learn how to live with a lot less than you are used to
- babies can stink and will stink
- not every baby likes sleeping in the stroller
- there's a lot of free stuff you can get, but you'll have to look for it
- second hand baby clothes are awesome
- diapers and (if needed) baby formula cost a lot of money
- babies change fast!
- if you thing about planning ... think again
- you want rhythm? start as soon as possible to get routines 
- swaddle blankets are great
- Manducas (baby carriers) are great
- grandparents are awesome (Ben has 6 - lucky kid)
- aunts and uncles are awesome (Ben has a ton)
- cousins are awesome (so many more )

I know that there'll be so much more coming our way and I am looking forward to that! Being a parent is a learning experience every moment of the day. 

Have a great day!

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