Saturday, July 28, 2007

Bad Luck

Potsdam, Germany
09:20 pm

This is not my week.

1. My car broke down. 400 € for repairs.
2. One of my best friends gets in a rough time with her bf and needs rescuing.
3. My washing machine broke and flooded my bathroom. Repairs won't be possible till Monday next week. Worst case scenario: buy a new machine with money I don't have.
4. After a great summer party hosted by my ward (including a mild hangover the next morning, which I do not regret), my sister called me saying that she was sick. So after I had gotten home, found her in great pain, crying, puking and running a fever, we went to the ER of my hospital. Sometimes I am so lucky to know so many people in my hospital. We only had to wait a few minutes to be seen by a doctor, send to another, get Antibiotics as well as some cooling cream. My colleagues gave Rina something against the puking and the pain, as well as some fluids, all of the above per infusion/injection. She's a bit better now. ! PLEASE DO NOT GET ANY PARTS OF YOUR BODY PIERCED! Why not? See point Nr. 4 what happens if you do and the wound gets infected!!

So, how was your week??


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